Sunday, May 29, 2011

19" LCD TV SKD parts external power supply

TVAntenna 1 HDMI 1 VGA 1 YPbPr YCbCr In 1 SVedio in 1 AV in 1 PC Audio in 1 LCD TV SKD spare parts

Model series:
SN series --- 19" and 22"
except LCD PANEL

" SN" series model's
nice structure design for SKD

All the interface is on the left side of the cabinet, it's more convenient for the user to installation
and repair.

2. one the right side , it's have a USB port for option. ( For small size LCD TV, that's very creative)
3. the backshell can slide, very convenient and resonalbe. The backshell can cover on the TV without
any screws,
it's also firm and steady.

4. On the connection of the TV's base. also have a nice design. There is a button on the base, connect
the body
and base. If you wanna
make the 2 part separate, press the button, then, can be separated.
It's also no need
the screws but can make it firmed. Meantime, on the
bottom of the base, have 2 holes for the screws, if you
more firm, you can put into screws also.
5. Inside structure design also. It has grooves to fix the wires and cables to
make it orderliness.
7.there is a plastic shutter to seperate the LCD panel and mainboard. it's more safety and convenient for assemble,
open, clear and prepair. And this model is more suitable for SKD business,
8. This model structure
no need "LCD panel braket" to fix the LCD panel
LCD TV SKD back side-----[external power supply]

Bulit-in Speaker x2
Wall mount
LCD tv SKD Front Side ( no lcd panel)

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